Complement your search campaign strategy with Dynamic Search Ads

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Every day 15% of all searches made on Google are entirely new. That is, with more and more search terms emerging daily, the manual keyword research becomes a never-ending job, and results in many opportunities lost. To help digital marketers, Google Ads offers Dynamic Search Ads (DSA). 

Another challenging situation that this solution can be helpful is when you deal with a vast website. Sometimes you have hundred, thousands or even millions of pages with many changes occurring all the time. To do the keyword research and create the ad creatives matching each landing page is too onerous.

What is Dynamic Search Ads?

Dynamic Search Ads is a tool in Google Ads to automatically create text ads and target based on your website content. Instead of creating all the singular ads, manually defining the destination URL and including all the keywords, you can use this feature to automate part of the work. Google’s crawling technology creates ads and target using the most relevant content from your pages.

How does Dynamic Search Ads work?

  1. You configure your target option, daily budget and ad template.
  2. When someone fires a search, and you have relevant content, Google performs the ad.
  3. Google generates the ad headlines, URL destination and keyword targeting and shows it.

Dynamic Search indexes the content of the targeted pages and uses that list to define if the search term used in Google is relevant for your business. If the search intention matches your content, this tool creates the ad automatically, including the headlines and the destination URL based on your ad template. The only required content in your ad template is the description, but before that, you need to choose the targeting option.

Targeting options for Dynamic Search Ads

There are some types of targeting to choose in Dynamic Search Ads, each with different level of control:

  • Landing page from standard ad groups: this is the easiest option. It includes all destination pages that you already have in your ads across your account.
  • Categories: Google offers targetable groups based on your pages organized by theme, and you can select which of those sets to use.
  • URL Contains: target pages of your website that contains a specific string inside the URL. For example, if you want to create dynamic ads just for blog posts and your URL have a schema like, you can include every page address that contains the “blog” keyword.
  • Exact URL: target specific URLs. Useful when you want to focus on just one page.
  • Page Title: similar to URL Contains, this option targets pages with titles that contain specific words that you define.
  • Page Content: targets pages that have words that you specify in the body content.
  • All Webpages: includes every single page on your website that is crawlable by Google.
  • Custom label: Use custom label from a provided page feed to filter pages for ads creation. Before using this, you have a not dynamic work to do, filling and sending your page feed to provide the URLs and labels you want to use. Google Ads provides a page feed template for it.

Why you should use it

Highly relevant ads. Dynamic Search Ads delivers value for pertinent searches that you may miss in your existing keywords, complementing your keyword research and guaranteeing that you aren’t missing any related searches.

Reach and coverage. This solution helps you extend your current activity to new business areas or countries at scale. It requires little effort and ensures good coverage without complex implementation or campaign management.

Efficient and time-saving. Google’s crawling manages ads and targeting for you, and it is aware of what your website is offering and when. You don’t need to pause or create ads based on seasonality or demand. It is excellent for you if your website content is massive and very dynamic.

Transparency and control. Dynamic Search Ads offers clarity via Search Term report, inspection through bids at the dynamic target level, and exclusions for irrelevant traffic.

Creating keyword lists for user searches that are relevant to your business can be challenging and time-consuming. The rise in smartphone use and adoption of voice search have changed the way customers find business, resulting in a high volume of searches you can’t predict. Are your ads responding to these rapid changes?

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